The Workbook is Happening!

Straight from my newsletter this month (subscribe here if you haven’t!)…


Yesterday my co-writer (the amazing Marily Nika) sat down and looked over the book from start to finish. We've been drafting exercises with 3 amazing contributors this summer, and now it's time to pull the workbook together into a finished product. The workbook takes tools discussed in The Adventures of Women in Tech and breaks them down into life-tested, doable exercises to do anytime you need them. It's cool in other words. And yesterday we saw the whole thing together for the first time! It still needs work, but it's on the way.

Next steps: Cover finalized soon (will share!), draft to editor in October, revisions in December, and turn in to publisher in January. Stay tuned!


I've been doing a ton of speaking over the last year, and it's always hard to tell whether I'm making a difference. That's why the recent kudos from speaking gigs has mattered so much:

"Just wanted to say thank you again for coming and talking with the Komodo team;  after the call, numerous people pinged me to tell me about how much it resonated with them -- especially the parts about finding champions / mentorship / support networks, and the importance of being them." 
                                                                                                                                  - Brice, Komodo Health

"Thank you SO much for the fantastic talk today. We are so grateful for your partnership and it was truly a blast and a great conversation. We’ve already received great feedback from clients in our inbox, and I hope we get to do another webinar (or in-person event!) when your next book comes out."
                                                                                                                               - from First Republic Bank

“Alana encourages us to look beyond what we may be sold or told to find sponsors, mentors and examples who can show us what is truly possible as women in tech.  She also reminds us that being a “woman in tech” is broader than coding, developing and engineering and includes all of the varied roles we occupy working for tech companies.  Finally and most importantly, Alana emphasizes that none of us is excused from doing the work of championing diversity, equity and inclusion and we can show up every day even in what may seem like relatively minor ways to have a major impact.”     
         - Jennifer Carmichael, Compliance Director, Entrust Corporation

I now have a Corporate & University page with details on my speaking. Please refer clients to me directly for a special thank you gift :) 


Finding Our Way


So it’s July